How to become data scientist?

How to become data scientist?

A Data Scientist or Scientific Data is a new professional profile considered today as a key in the technology field, which explains why it is a figure with very high demand in the market and better paid. This professional is an expert in Data Science or Science Data, and its function is to obtain knowledge from the data to answer questions put to him. In the following article, we get to know about How to become data scientist? So don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it’s going to be very useful for you guys.

His vision goes beyond Business Intelligence since he enters the field of Big Data, in addition to being trained in mathematics, statistics, and mastering different programming languages.

What is Data Science or Data Science?

We could interpret it as the evolution of what until now was known as a Data Analyst, who used to be limited to the analysis of a data source. However, the Data Scientist must explore and analyze data from many diverse sources, often immense and with heterogeneous structures. In addition, you must have a business vision to extract and transmit recommendations to the business users of your company.

What Does a Data Scientist Do?

The tasks that make up your day to day are the following:

Interact with business users to convey knowledge needs to be more competitive or respond to a functional need.

Find data in the company and make it available for analysis.

Analyze the business data, find the most important and capture the ones that can provide value.

Cleaning the data to give it an analyzable structure and solve inconsistencies.

Design and create models and algorithms using Machine Learning tools, generating learning schemes that allow feedback to the chosen algorithms.

Creation of reports and graphs that show the behavior of that data. So, that business users can conclude the work of the data scientist.

Help with the implementation of these conclusions in the company’s systems so that better decisions are made.

What knowledge should a Data Scientist have?

A team as a single person must approach a Data Science project can’t able to cover all this knowledge, since from a technical point of view many disciplines involved, as well as technologies and tools. . Not forgetting that you must have functional knowledge of the sector in which you work. So the trend is to create multidisciplinary teams where each of its components has a specific specialty.

So to be a Data Scientist, you must learn different disciplines ranging from mathematics to statistics through programming. Although you must have notions of all of them. The best way is to specialize in one of the branches that compose it. Becoming a professional in this field is not easy. But that is why the Harvard Business Review magazine defined it. As the Sexiest Job of the 21st century.

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